Andreas Zetterström

Arranger – Composer – Violinist

Svenska Français

Andreas Zetterström conducts his arrangement of Mendelssohn's St. Paul in chamber version


Tango Sentimiento

Volver Sextuor

Orchestre Les Cordes

Wessmans Musikförlag

Förlaget Tintomara

Ton i Tr� Instrumentverkstad

Andreas Zetterström was born in 1978. At age four he started playing the violin. He studied with Gunnar Högmark, Tale Olsson and Inge Thorsson.
Between 1995 and 1999 he studied at the Edsberg Music Institute in Stockholm, with Jennifer Nuttal-Wolf and Mats Zetterqvist.
Han studied piano with Radovan Hudecek and Maria Conti Gallenti, and theory, orchestration and conducting with Peter Falthin.
2000 he began studying with Franco Mezzena at the Accademia Musicale Pescarese in Pescara, Italy, where he took his diploma in 2002.
2002 - 2004 he played in the Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss am Rhein, with chief conductor Johannes Goritzki.
Since 2004 he is a free-lance violinist in Sweden.

He has in recent years devoted himself increasingly to arranging and composing.
Volver Sextuor, Orchestre Les Cordes, Junekvintetten och Camerata Upsaliae are some of the ensembles he has worked for.
His chamber version of Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio St. Paul, part 1, is being published by Wessmans Musikförlag in 2007.

Andreas Zetterström is consulting Senior Sound Analyst at Luli Media Group AB.


Andreas Zetterström, arranger