Andreas Zetterström

Arranger – Composer – Violinist

Svenska Français

Andreas Zetterström conducts his arrangement of Mendelssohn's St. Paul in chamber version


Tango Sentimiento

Volver Sextuor

Orchestre Les Cordes

Wessmans Musikförlag

Förlaget Tintomara

Ton i Tr� Instrumentverkstad

Andreas Zetterström conducts Mendelssohn's St. Paul

Andreas Zetterström will conduct his arrangement of Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio St. Paul, part 1, for soprano, baritone, SATB choir, string quartet, double bass and organ. Performances in Uppsala in Vaksala Church April 26 at 6 pm. and Gamla Uppsala Church April 17 at 6 pm. Soloists: Eva Ericsson-Berglund, soprano, and Gunnar Klum, baritone.

Tango Sentimiento in concert in Alfvénsalen i Uppsala

The quartet Tango Sentimiento will give a concert in Alfvénsalen in Uppsala on May 5, 2008, at 7 pm. The concert is arranged by Uppsala Kammarmusikförening.

Lyssna på "Volver" av Carlos Gardel, framförd av Tango Sentimiento...

Cherbourg Atlantique

Andreas Zetterström has arranged the music for "Cherbourg Atlantique", a theatrical performance by Cédric Lebonnois that consists of song, dance, string orchestra and poetry. The theme is the emigration of Jewish composers to America from the Nazis in the 1930's. The premiere is on May 17, 2008, at the Théatre de Villepreux. Andreas Zetterström has arranged music by Kosma, Weill, Porter and Arlen.

Elgar's Enigma Variations for small sinfonietta

Andreas Zetterström has arranged a selection of Edward Elgar's "Enigma" variations for small sinfonietta (1,1,1,1 - 2,2,1,1, timp&perc, piano, str.) This arrangement was first performed on May 26, 2007 in Stockholm by IGOR Sinfonietta conducted by Glenn Mossop.